How you benefit by using the BDPL?

All those who adopt the BDPL promises not to launch patent or related proceedings against any other BDPL user, unless launching a counterclaim or enforcing the terms of the BDPL. In return, users receive royalty-free licenses from every other user’s patent portfolio. All users must include all of their respective patents under the BDPL. If any patents are sold, DPL users must legally obligate the new owner to comply with prior BDPLs. If one ceases offering one’s patents under the DPL, previous licensees keep their DPLs royalty-free, but the leaving user may have her licenses converted from royalty-free to fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms (FRAND) at the discretion of the remaining licensors.

How was BDPL 1.0 created?

BDPL 1.0 was created based on suggestions, comments and criticisms from the global Bitcoin, cryptocurrency mining and blockchain technology community in a decentralized manner upon the advice of an experienced intellectual property attorney who has advised for 14 years the world’s 45th most valuable company and largest semiconductor company listed on the New York Stock Exchange and serves as the director of emerging technologies for a non-governmental organization working with the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization, APEC and PBEC to establish global patents and other intellectual property best practices and standards.

Our Blockchain Defensive Patent License v.1.0 and this FAQs section were based on the free and copy-left style license available at We have made revisions to, comments and criticisms about such license under the doctrine of free speech in the digital media and fair use on a matter of critical public importance. The wording used in our License v.1.0 are generic legal terms available on the internet for free.

How do I use the BDPL?

To be an user of the BDPL, you need to make a statement on a publicly available website saying that you commit to offer any patents you have or obtain under the BDPL to anyone who makes a similar commitment (an “Offering Announcement”) and then, when you contact another BDPL User to accept the license to its patents, you provide it with the URL for the website where you posted your commitment.

You should also email your Offering Announcement URL to the BDPL organizers at so others can contact you to accept your licenses. Please also include your valid contact information and a list of your patents (including country of issue, patent no., and title).


Your sending of any contact information signifies your agreement and consent to provide such personally identifiable information to the BDPL organizers for use solely in connection with licensing affairs under the BDPL. The Organizers will not sell such information.


All content on this site is for informational purposes only. It is not legal advice. It is not a substitute for individualized legal advice and may not cover important issues that affect you. We strongly urge that you talk to a lawyer about your specific legal rights and options.

Using this website or sending us email does not create an attorney-client relationship. The general legal information is provided on an ‘as-is’ basis. We make no warranties regarding the general legal information provided on this website, and disclaim liability for damages resulting from its use.